Is your skin ready for winter?

During the summer months, sunlight and sea water damage our skin more. Weak skin also becomes more susceptible to blemishes. Autumn is a good opportunity to renew our damaged skin and prepare it for the winter season. Skin problems after summer are a common problem for many people. One of the most common problems is lifeless skin with increased blemishes and loss of moisture.

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Medical Aesthetics Physician Yasemin Savaş explains the features of effective treatment methods for blemishes such as brown sunspots and melasma, especially those left over from the summer months, and ways to have a more vibrant skin.

How to treat skin blemishes?

Despite the use of sunscreen during the summer months, there may be an increase in blemishes, especially on the face. Although sunspots are generally skin problems that do not pose a serious health problem, spots especially on the face can disturb people aesthetically. If stains negatively affect a person's psychological and social life due to aesthetic concerns, it is desired to remove such stains through treatment. Before starting the treatment of sunspots, the correct diagnosis of the spots must be made by a specialist doctor. It is of great importance for the patient to start by determining whether any formation on the skin is a sign of a more serious disease rather than aesthetic concerns. After the examination, the doctor informs the patient about treatment options depending on the type of spots.

Thulium Laser

Thulium Laser, which has a different working mechanism in the treatment of blemishes, gives positive results, especially in spots that occur due to hormonal reasons, spots that occur after birth, sunspots and the types of spots we call melasma. The application mainly takes place in a single session. After the session, patients only feel a short-term redness, and they can easily continue their social lives after the application.

After this application, which does not cause infection, patients can easily continue their social lives. The results of ThulimLazer are seen in approximately 3-4 weeks.

Renew your skin

In order to have a moister and more vibrant skin, personalized treatments and special care must be carried out with the help of the right medical products. Your skin looks more vibrant, brighter and healthier with moisture vaccines, mesotherapies, PRP, carbon peeling, enzyme peeling, moisture treatments and thulium care treatments.

Moisture vaccine provides natural moisture and vitality to the skin, reduces fine wrinkles and creates a lifting effect on the face. PRP (platelet rich plasma) is an application made entirely with your blood. This method provides a healthier, brighter and brighter skin as it increases collagen and elastin stimulation in your skin. It is a strong support for spot treatments. PRP is also used in the treatment of hair loss and pit marks on the skin.

Medical Aesthetics Physician Yasemin Savaş stated that the carbon peeling application can be performed in a very short period of time, such as a lunch break, and gave the following information about this method: “It is possible for patients to continue their daily lives after the application. Because the procedure provides needle-free and painless skin renewal. After the procedure, a general lightening of the skin color and tightening of the pores are observed.

Thulium Care is a skin care and renewal application that ensures that the anti-aging products needed by the skin reach the desired skin layer with the help of thulium laser technology. Micro-channels are opened on the surface of the skin with Thulium laser beams and vitamins and serums selected according to the person's needs are applied to the skin. Opening fine wrinkles, skin brightening, skin renewal for anti-aging purposes, regulating skin tone, skin dryness, skin laxity, décolleté care, neck renewal. It offers solutions to problems such as.