Liposuction: May be a healthy method, but these factors must be taken into consideration! Liposuction: May be a healthy method, but these factors must be taken into consideration!

Ear Nose and Throat Specialist Op. Dr. Ali Rıza Gökduman said, “Even if children pass newborn screening, viral infections such as mumps and measles that may occur later, or untreated middle ear infections that remain unnoticed for a long time, can cause permanent hearing loss during childhood and lead to hearing impairment. "Therefore, it is important to comply with the planned vaccination program for children and not to neglect it."

VM Medical Park Samsun Hospital Ear Nose and Throat Specialist Op. Dr. Ali Rıza Gökduman gave information about hearing loss on the occasion of 19-25 September Hearing Impaired Week.

Op. says that the partial or complete loss of hearing ability is called hearing disability. Dr. Gökduman said, “Hearing disability can occur at different levels due to one ear or both ears. Hearing impairment can be congenital or appear in childhood or adulthood. Some of these are preventable and treatable causes. Some infections, medications used or some genetic diseases while in the womb can lead to congenital hearing loss. After early detection of this condition, obstacles to the person's adaptation to life can be removed with hearing aids or surgery, depending on the condition of hearing loss. "Hearing screening for newborn babies is mandatory to prevent congenital hearing loss from being missed," he said.

If upper respiratory tract infection recurs frequently, a hearing test should be performed.
Emphasizing that upper respiratory infections can cause middle ear infections, Op. Dr. Gökduman said, “Even if children pass newborn screening, viral infections such as mumps and measles, or untreated middle ear infections that remain unnoticed for a long time, can cause permanent hearing loss during childhood and lead to hearing impairment. For this reason, it is important to comply with the planned vaccination program for children and not to neglect it. Frequently recurring upper respiratory tract diseases and middle ear infections sometimes lead to middle ear infections that do not go away for a long time if care is not taken. For this reason, the child may have temporary or permanent hearing loss. Again, the underlying problem in some patients with chronic otitis media detected in adulthood is a middle ear infection that was not treated for a long time during childhood. "Especially after frequent upper respiratory tract infections, an ear-nose-throat physician examination and, when necessary, a hearing test should be performed," he said.
Mild hearing loss may cause speech delay.
Kiss. Dr. Gökduman said, “Hearing loss may occur in adulthood due to infectious diseases, use of some medications, trauma, noise and some vascular diseases, and with treatment, positive results can be obtained in some patients. Hearing loss may also occur in later ages due to genetics or age-related hearing loss. In such cases, treatment can be performed if hearing loss is detected. Hearing impairment that occurs in childhood causes delays in speech and language development. Mild hearing loss may present as delay or delay in speech. Hearing loss in adulthood can cause problems in social and business life. Hearing loss in the elderly leads to speech disorders and a faster decline in cognitive functions. It causes people to become lonely and isolated from social life. Hearing loss becomes a disability if left untreated. "In order not to miss treatable hearing losses, if there is a complaint of hearing loss, detailed ear examination and hearing tests can be performed to prevent hearing loss from hindering the patient," he said.