A new research; Shows that Chicory Root Fibers selectively increase Bifidobacteria, independent of food application and matrix

A recently published study conducted by researchers from the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Reading (UK), in collaboration with the BENEO-Institute,[i] has shown that prebiotic chicory root fibers selectively inhibit Bifidobacteria in the human gut, regardless of the food application and food matrix in which they are used. shows that it supports growth. This result is good news for manufacturers looking to bring the bifidogenic effect and gut health benefits of prebiotic chicory root fiber to a variety of food products.

Encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria is important as it supports human health through its positive effects on the intestinal environment. It also creates less favorable living conditions for potentially pathogenic bacteria and has benefits beyond digestive health for overall well-being. It has been found that the bioavailability and therefore the effectiveness of some ingredients and nutrients are affected by the food matrix in which they are found. As a result, specific benefits claimed by manufacturers cannot be credible, as the function of the component may vary depending on the application or matrix in which it is used. However, the study shows that this is not the case when prebiotic chicory root fiber is included in the food application. This is an important factor for manufacturers to consider, given that three in four consumers purchasing prebiotics cite product effectiveness as a key purchasing factor (76%)[ii].

Although several studies of inulin-type fructans in various food applications and matrices already exist, this appears to be the first time that the effects of chicory root fiber in different food applications have been incorporated into a study design, allowing them to be directly compared. This study was designed as a prospective, parallel group, randomized study. Participants were divided into four groups - each had 24 participants. Foods reflected a wide variety of matrices, including cooked, semi-solid and liquid, and were consumed as part of the habitual diet of populations. The first group was given pure inulin (for comparison purposes), while the other participants were given inulin-enriched food in the form of cookies, milk chocolate or rice drink, depending on which group they belonged to. All groups consumed a total of 10g of chicory root fiber (BENEO's Orafti® Inulin) per day (5g in the morning and 5g in the evening) and stool samples were collected at the beginning and end of the ten-day study.

At the end of the study period, the results of the four groups were analyzed, and in all cases the bacterial count showed a significant increase in Bifidobacteria on the tenth day. In fact, an average increase of 92% of Bifidobacteria was seen in all four groups compared to baseline, with no significant differences detected between any of the study groups at day ten. Regardless of food application and matrix, prebiotic chicory root fibers have been shown to support the selective growth of Bifidobacteria, and the results were consistent across the two different study methods used in the study. With these findings, product developers can trust that the functional benefits of BENEO's chicory root fibers are more science-based.

“Thanks to this study, product developers can cross an important question off their checklist: Does the functional ingredient provide the desired benefit when used in the final application? Chicory root,” says Anke Sentko, Vice President Regulatory Affairs & Nutrition Communication, BENEO. The answer to fiber enrichment is clearly 'yes'. It has now been scientifically proven that the intended growth of Bifidobacteria is independent of the food matrix used. These findings support a broad understanding of the beneficial effects of chicory root fibers, based on more than 25 years of scientific research on the existing and proven prebiotics inulin and oligofructose. "contributes to the work."

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BENEO's chicory root fibers Orafti® Inulin and Oligofructose are the only proven plant-based prebiotics, complying with the ISAPP (International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics) definition of prebiotics and supported by the highest scientific evidence established in more than 25 years of scientific research[iii]. The prebiotic effect of chicory root fiber has been shown to support a number of health aspects in multiple human intervention studies, including improved intestinal function, internal defense system, weight and blood sugar management.