Emphasizing that when individuals are infected with scabies mites, it takes between four and six weeks for the skin to show the first reactions, LifeClub Medical Director Dr. Celal Yücel Batmacı said the following about the symptoms of the disease: “Among these reactions, the most common ones are intense itching, especially at night, acne-like rashes and rashes, blisters with crusts, and wounds caused by constant scratching.

In the early stages of the disease, the cause may not be understood because skin rashes are similar to acne, mosquito bites and other skin complications. The reason that distinguishes scabies from other types is the relentless itching of scabies. This itching is usually very severe in children and the elderly.

Another distinguishing feature of scabies is the appearance of long lines and holes in the skin. These raised lines are either greyish-white or flesh-coloured. These lines are tunnels made by female mites just below the surface of the skin. 10 to 25 eggs are laid by each female scabies in these nests.

Scabies mites can live anywhere on the body, but they prefer certain parts of the body more than others. Among these; between the fingers, wrist, elbow or knee folds, around the waist or belly, breasts or genitals, and in very young children and the elderly, the head, neck, face, palms and soles.”

What is the treatment and how long does it take?

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Stating that scabies can only be treated with prescription drugs that kill mites, Dr. Batmacı said, “Scabies disease does not heal on its own, because scabies mites do not leave the body on their own.

The most common treatment is to apply a cream or lotion to the entire body from the neck down. This cream or lotion is left on the body for 8 - 14 hours and then washed. In some cases, pills may be prescribed to treat scabies. Depending on the medication used, treatment lasts up to three days.

Even though the medications used to treat scabies kill and neutralize scabies mites and eggs immediately, they cannot immediately relieve the itching felt. This is the result of an ongoing allergic reaction in the skin. Antihistamine pills or hydrocortisone creams can be used to relieve itching, especially at night. However, hydrocortisone cream will change the appearance of the scabies rash, making it harder to diagnose the condition. Therefore, it is necessary to use the cream only with doctor's approval. In addition, tea tree oil and aloe vera creams can also be used to relieve itching. However, they must be used under the supervision of a doctor.

To prevent the spread of scabies, once an individual is diagnosed with scabies, anyone who has close physical contact with the person should also be treated. Activities such as sleeping in the same bed, holding hands, and bathing together make it possible for scabies mites to pass from one individual to another. Because it takes four to six weeks for symptoms to appear, it is recommended that all members of the household be treated.

Scabies mites can live on the surface of clothing, bedding, furniture or towels for two to three days. To ensure that any mites left behind are killed, it is necessary to wash used linens and clothing in hot water and ideally dry them in a hot dryer. "Unwashable items should be kept in a closed plastic bag for seven days," he said.