Stating that strabismus develops as a result of the deterioration of parallelism in the visual axes, Üretimmen pointed out that follow-up and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist physician.

"While strabismus is seen at a rate of 5 percent in the society, 2 percent of the cases occur in the first 6 months of life," said Prof. Dr. Önder Üretimmen said, "Strabismus is not only an aesthetic disorder, but also an important clinical condition that impairs visual functions."

Reminding that strabismus is essentially a childhood disease, Üretimmen said: “The ophthalmologist must have sufficient time, patience, attention and experience during the examination. In cases of strabismus, special diagnostic methods should be applied in addition to routine eye examinations. Strabismus is generally classified according to the direction of the deviation. The direction of the shift can be inward, outward, upward, downward, or a combination of these directions. The most common type of slip is inward slip. This is followed by outward shifts. Especially in young children, the position of the eyes may be perceived incorrectly due to the structure of the eyelids, eyes and face, and strabismus may be thought to be present. These conditions, which give the impression of strabismus even though there is no strabismus, are called 'Palse Strabismus'. Definitive diagnosis should be made through a careful, complete ophthalmological examination.”


Prof. stated that strabismus can be treated at any age. Dr. Önder Üretimmen continued his words as follows: “Especially in cases of fixed strabismus that occur in childhood, by early treatment, the visual functions of the child are better protected and the loss of the sense of depth is prevented. Therefore, an ophthalmologist should be consulted as soon as strabismus is suspected. Strabismus can also cause amblyopia. In this case, the treatment of strabismus and the treatment of amblyopia should be carried out together. Treatment of strabismus varies depending on its type and cause. There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments for strabismus. For example, introversion that develops in a child with high hyperopia can only be treated with the use of glasses. On the other hand, shifts that occur in the first months of life usually require surgical treatment.

The first thing to do in sudden strabismus in adults is to identify the cause and treat the double vision that affects the patient's daily life. Positive results are obtained with Botox injection in cases of deviations that occur due to extraocular muscle paralysis in adulthood. "In cases where non-surgical treatments are inadequate, the need for surgical treatment arises."

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Prof. noted that strabismus disease can cause not only visual and aesthetic problems, but also psychological problems. Dr. Önder Üretimmen said, "In addition to causing strabismus, lazy eye and loss of depth perception in children, it can also cause psychological problems due to aesthetic concerns and negative perception by the society."