VAT Energy General Manager Altuğ Karataş gave information about Border Carbon Regulation and drew attention to the importance of energy monitoring. Karataş said, “With the green agreement, the Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism (SKDM) will come into effect after December 31, 2025. We are now in the last 2 years. Our producers do not have much time left. In this context, it is necessary to quickly implement, monitor and report activities that will reduce carbon emissions. "This is exactly where Observer comes into play and offers the necessary infrastructure to identify energy efficiency potentials, reduce carbon emissions, calculate the carbon footprint per unit product and prepare reports to be delivered to importers in EU countries as of January 2024," he said.


Liposuction: May be a healthy method, but these factors must be taken into consideration! Liposuction: May be a healthy method, but these factors must be taken into consideration!

Karataş explained his views on the subject with the following words: “With the carbon regulation mechanism at the border, nothing will be the same again. I invite all our industrialists and engineers to take action and manage their energy in the short time remaining to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint. Companies that monitor and manage their energy will have the opportunity to expand their existing markets and get ahead of companies with high carbon emissions in the market. Green economy transformation is inevitably ahead of us. "We will either achieve this green transformation or we will, there does not seem to be any other way for the Turkish industry."


With OBSERVER, a VAT ENERGY brand, you can make your energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction efforts sustainable, and instantly monitor the energy efficiency and energy savings calculations of your applications and the reduction in carbon emissions. With the ISO 50001 Energy management module, monitoring, setting targets and controlling all these topics is possible with OBSERVER.

With OBSERVER, you can control your energy consumption and carbon footprint with the motto of Notice, Demand, Monitor and Manage.