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International technology company Yandex has launched its redesigned portfolio of tools and services for the application sector in Turkey. In this portfolio of tools and services, Yandex includes Yandex Advertising Network, which helps app owners earn more from advertisements, Easy Monetization, which provides revenue-increasing services to new and rapidly developing applications, and analysis that brings them all together. It contributes to the industry by presenting its platform, AppMetrica.

Turkey's application sector continues to grow rapidly. App revenues are expected to rise from approximately US$1.39 billion in 2022 to US$2.18 billion in 2027. Türkiye is in the top 10 in application downloads every year; which indicates a great potential for application developers in the market.

App owners who want to benefit from the rapid development of the app industry need to explore opportunities to advance their growth strategies. With the tools and services it offers under the Yandex Ads umbrella brand, it aims to equip the application developers in the Turkish application sector with effective tools to increase their income and to monitor the application performance of the developers in a comprehensive way.

Yandex Advertising Network brings apps and advertisers together

Yandex Advertising Network, one of the world's leading advertising platforms, brings together millions of advertisers from all over Eastern Europe, CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), Asia and the Middle East with thousands of applications. Intelligent technologies based on artificial intelligence and various ad formats offered by Yandex allow users to increase their income by making income from advertisements. Strict ad control within the network ensures both compliance with local legal requirements and a positive user experience.

Yandex Advertising Network offers the opportunity to earn income not only from Apple's App Store and Google Play, but also from the applications of various mobile stores. Supporting major development platforms such as Android, iOS, Flutter, Unity, this solution package also offers its customers flexible integration options to the monetization setup in their apps: It can integrate with a third-party mobile mediator, Yandex to get the best advertising opportunities from other leading ad networks. 's mobile or just add Yandex Mobile Ads SDK.