
Beware of Snoring in Children! What Causes Snoring in Children?

Beware of Snoring in Children! What Causes Snoring in Children?
Abone Ol

Snoring in children is often observed together with teeth grinding. Snoring may occur during acute illnesses such as flu and cold, but it may also occur due to congestion in the nose, tonsils and nasal passages. Due to this blockage, children breathe through their mouth instead of their nose, which can cause snoring, stenosis in the upper jaw, permanent teeth not fitting into the upper jaw, development problems in the lower jaw, shape changes and crowding in the maxillofacial area.

Dry mouth, bad breath, lip sores and tooth decay are also seen in children who have to breathe through their mouth.

Your child; If he snores, if he wakes up at night out of breath, if he sleeps in a different sleeping position than normal, if he grinds his teeth, if you feel restless during sleep, if his lips do not close during sleep, if he is overweight, if you think he has an abnormal facial shape, if his nose is If there is a severe curvature (it is necessary to consult an ENT specialist )

A specialist pediatric dentist and an orthodontist must definitely evaluate the child's jaw-face development.

Additionally, if the tongue tie that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth is short, this affects jaw development and may cause the tongue to be positioned at the back, blocking the airway and causing snoring. Short tongue tie may impair the swallowing reflex and cause feeding, chewing and speech disorders. In addition, it may cause some developmental problems, including posture disorders.

When tongue tie is diagnosed, the tongue is released with a very short and very easy intervention with Er:YAG (hard tissue) laser, and "preventive" treatment is performed before the problems that will affect the child for life begin.

When tongue tie is diagnosed, the tongue is released with a very short and very easy intervention with Er:YAG (hard tissue) laser, and "preventive" treatment is performed before the problems that will affect the child for life begin.

“The earlier sleeping disorders seen in children are diagnosed, the easier it will be to provide solutions for older ages by treating them. ''

In snoring problems seen in children, "Nightlase" hard tissue laser treatment (Er:YAG) aims to open the airway by providing tightening (contraction) in the soft tissues of the area. With this effect, successful results can be achieved by performing the necessary exercises regularly. The response of soft tissues during applications in the treatment of snoring in children is mostly positive and rapid.

With the decrease in sleep quality, behavioral and social problems may occur in children who have difficulty waking up in the morning, and failure at school, aggression and hyperactivity may be observed. For this reason, sleeping disorders are a condition that requires great attention in children. In order for this condition to be treated with correct diagnosis, consultation (opinion) of a specialist pediatric dentist, orthodontist and ENT specialist is required.