We need to keep the negative effects of stress away from ourselves in our daily lives as much as possible. We should aim to gain the ability to cope with stress, which is an inevitable situation. Stress is a reaction that our body develops against internal and external stimuli that have negative effects on us. It is a natural reaction of our body in a situation that may pose a threat to us. When the dose of stress increases, it can negatively affect our quality of life.
Many situations in daily life, such as school, work and family life, can leave us with stress. The stress that occurs in our mental and emotional thinking does not only occur in negative situations. What excites us can be observed at any time, in unexpected situations, before the exam. Sometimes our defense mechanisms can come into play and our body can protect itself. A person who is left alone with stress may choose to escape rather than fight in such situations.
Sometimes, stress should be detected in advance and efforts should be made to prevent it. During periods when such situations occur, we should especially exercise, eat regularly, and stay away from unhealthy foods and caffeine. Things we don't like to do should be transformed into different activities. During these periods, no effort should be made to make everything perfect. Humor, one of the most effective methods of coping with stress, should be used frequently. In order not to struggle with stress in bilateral relations, the parties should listen to each other devotedly. We need to prioritize our hobbies by doing things we love.
The dose of stress is very important. Contrary to popular belief, mild amounts of stress give us energy and motivate us. Examples of this include starting a new job or establishing a new relationship. Dealing with these situations gives us a sense of confidence.
In cases where we do not know how to cope with stress, this process wears us out and eventually causes our struggle to run out. Difficulty making mental decisions, forgetfulness, negative emotions and thoughts about the future, constantly focusing on negative situations, and our mind being constantly occupied with something will keep us on the verge of stress. In this process, we should frequently use stress coping methods to minimize the situation.
Why Do We Stress in Our Daily Life? How Do We Prevent Stress?
Clinical Psychologist Hazal Akşahin gave information about the subject.

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