The words of Kahramankazan Mayor Serhat Oğuz, who answered the questions of journalist Fatih Atik in the Ankara Desk Agenda Special program, comparing the Ankara of the Melih Gökçek period with the Ankara of the Mansur Yavaş period, were on the agenda.

Answering Fatih Atik's questions about the agenda, Mayor Oğuz stated that they had problems with the Metropolitan Municipality regarding road construction.

Pointing out that this is because the material to be laid under the road comes from a distance of 80 kilometers, Oğuz stated that he offered a solution proposal for this. Serhat Oğuz stated that he conveyed to Mansur Yavaş the proposal to transfer two quarries with public operation license belonging to the municipality to the Metropolitan Municipality in exchange for materials, and that Yavaş was extremely positive about this proposal.

However, he also mentioned that the Mansur Yavaş team at ABB was experiencing work-related difficulties due to clumsiness.

Seeing Someone Being Buried Before They Die in a Dream Seeing Someone Being Buried Before They Die in a Dream

“In ABB, blood cannot penetrate the capillaries”

“What month are we in? We are in the 9th month. When did I say this? When did I make this offer? In the first month. We will sign a contract for 9 months. I authorized a friend of mine regarding the contract. This makes me sad. So the staff under Mr. Mansur are lazy, lazy, lazy when it comes to producing work. Of course, Mr. Mansur cannot follow these tasks because of his workload, what happens when he cannot follow them? Blood cannot penetrate the capillaries. They can't even eat the food you cook and put in front of them. Just do it, we are saying something to serve the citizens. Does Kazan Municipality suffer from material shortage? I do not. Those furnaces are not my father's property. “We have been waiting for 9 months.”

“ASKİ installed a pipe in 1 year”

Mayor Oğuz mentioned that ABB delayed the terms of reference in the City Square projects, which is the highest-priced tender of Kahramankazan Municipality; “We cannot find a contact person. I am sad. I made the biggest tender in Kazan for the City Square; ASKİ installed the pipe in Meydan in 12 months. "He barely pulled 120 meters of pipe in 12 months," he said, drawing attention to the disruptions in ABB's workflows.

“There is a cumbersome structure in the Metropolitan Municipality”

“These make me sad. We are working hard to produce services, but we are running into the cumbersome structure of the Metropolitan Municipality. It has a cumbersome structure. The Metropolitan Municipality is like a swollen obese child. "He can't move."

“Melih Bey left a dynamic Ankara Metropolitan Municipality”

Mayor Oğuz pointed out that Ankara Metropolitan Municipality became clumsy after Melih Gökçek; “How did Mr. Melih leave Ankara? He left a dynamic Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. It left a metropolitan city with a lot of manoeuver room, which built an overpass in 45 days and solved any road problems, and could take actions to solve the traffic problems of the citizens, despite the lawsuits filed by some chambers from time to time. Today's Metropolitan City is cumbersome. He can't move, like an obese child. It was swollen with personnel, but they retained experienced personnel. "When these children left, they already had problems when it first snowed," he said.